#1 Cost Driver Records
topWithin the mid-year closures module it is possible to select the 'Cost Driver Records' procedure: through this procedure it is possible to valorize the cost/profit centre according to cost driver associated to the same ones. The cost driver is overturning criteria of CC/PC movements on number of others CC/PC (according to the percentages set on Cost Driver table).
In substance in the 'Cost Driver' table it is possible to determine a code/description of overturning criteria and a detail about CC/PC/percentages to be valorized (if these are referred to a particular accounting year or valid in general for all periods). Then this cost driver can be associated to one or more cost/profit centres: the result is that the accounting assigns the cost/revenue movement on a generic cost/profit centre without worrying about how to use it on various CC/PC, operation that is performed off-balance and after having previously valorized the cost driver entry.
The procedure provides for the selection of closure on which perform: operation, template to be used (that has to have CC/PC flags: in particular, these mid-year records will correspond to records that contain only CC/PC movements, there will be no accounting movement) and operation management with percentages associated to the accounting year related to the same mid-year closure.
On the mask below there will be the possibility to view CC/PC movements that will be the object of the overturning, with the related cost driver code linked.
On this mask there is a restore/cancellation button of operations performed.
RIBBON BAR: it represents the Form menu, that is the area in which it is possible to perform actions linked to the procedure in use. The list of features is the following:
BuildDate : 13 settembre 2013